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17 - Hydroxy-Progesterone (17-OHP) Test




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What is the 17 Hydroxyprogesterone ( OHP) test?

17 Hydroxyprogesterone is a hormone made by the adrenal glands, which are present above the kidney. 17 hydroxyprogesterone acts as a building block for producing cortisol hormone. The cortisol hormone maintains blood pressure, the immune system, and blood sugar. In certain conditions, the 17 hydroxyprogesterone (OHP) may be produced at a low or higher level. This leads to impaired formation of the cortisol hormone, which affects certain body functions. 17 hydroxyprogesterone test measures the level of 17 hydroxyprogesterone(OHP) in the blood.

When is the 17 Hydroxyprogesterone (17 OHP) Test done?

A doctor may recommend this Test

  • In case he suspects congenital adrenal hyperplasia(CAH). CAH is a genetic disorder that prevents the adrenal gland from making enough cortisol. As the adrenal glands work harder to make more cortisol, they produce extra 17-OHP and certain male sex hormones.

  • 17 OHP is done on infants born with outer genitals that do not look like those of a boy or a girl.

  • In patients undergoing treatment for 17 OHP

  • In females with hirsutism 

  • In females with polycystic ovarian disease

What are the components of the 17 Hydroxyprogesterone (17 OHP) Test?

17 OHP test is a blood test done as a part of testing for CAH and is now, by law, part of newborn screening. A newborn screening is a simple blood test that checks for various serious diseases.

What is the usual range of the 17 Hydroxyprogesterone (17 OHP) Test? 

  • Newborn Babies (more than 24 hours old): less than 400 to 600 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). 

  • Children before puberty around:100 ng/dL or 3.03 nmol/L. 

  • Adults: less than 200 ng/dL or 6.06 nmol/L

  • Cord blood: 1000-3000 ng/dL

How is the 17 hydroxyprogesterone (17 OHP) test done?

  • Blood is collected from the vein

  • The sample is usually collected within 1-2 days of childbirth

  • A positive report means that there is a possibility of CAH and the patient requires further investigations

  • A female patient with polycystic ovarian disease with raised 17 OHP requires further investigation.

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