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Food allergy is an IgE mediated reaction which leads to symptoms within hours of having ingested the food. Food allergies can range from mild to fatal for patients. It is important for everyone to be aware of their food allergies as it protects them from unwanted health problems. Food allergy panel blood tests are used by doctors to understand the food allergies any patient has. The test checks your blood’s reaction to common allergens like milk, wheat, peanuts, eggs, nuts, soybeans, among others.
At Aster Labs, the food screening for Indian population test is specifically designed to check your sample against food ingredients that are commonly used in Indian diets. This ensures that you are aware of the right allergens and can avoid them in your daily diet.
The food allergy panel blood test can be prescribed as a screening test for children/adults or in response to symptoms of allergies presented by patients.. Here are some of the symptoms that warrant doctors to prescribe an allergy food screening for Indian population test.
Stomach pain, nausea, diaarhoea/ vomiting
Skin rashes(hives) across the body that are itchy
Difficulty breathing and coughing/wheezing
swelling in the eyes,lips or face
Runny nose and constant sneezing
A feeling of tingling inside the mouth
The components of a food allergy panel blood test differ based on the test provider. At Aster Labs, we specialize in food screening for Indian population test. It includes testing your blood sample against allergens such as cow milk, milk powder, wheat flour, soybeans, coconut, peanuts, egg yolk, rice, chicken, cucumber, shrimp/prawn, mustard, apple, potato, grape, spinach, onion, coffee, crab, and ginger. The test reports are generally expressed as positive or negative in a food allergy panel blood test. Based on the reports, it can be determined whether you have certain food allergies or not.
The procedure for performing a food screening for Indian population test involves drawing blood from the veins in the forearm of the patient. The sample is then sent to the laboratory for testing. There are no special prerequisites patients need to follow for this test.