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Culture Aerobic Pus Test






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Includes ANTIBIOTIC SENSITIVITY if indicated.

Culture aerobic pus

This is a test which is done to find out the causative microorganism- aerobic bacteria present in pus at the site of infection. Pus is yellow coloured thick liquid formed at the place of infection which contains protein rich liquid with dead white blood cells and microorganism as a result of inflammatory process.

Bacteria are classified as aerobic and anaerobic bacteria depending on their need for oxygen for survival. Aerobic bacteria require oxygen for their growth and survival. Some of these aerobic bacteria can be harmful to humans and cause infections in various parts of the body. The common aerobic bacteria which cause infections are Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacteriaceae, Group B Streptococci, Proteus, Klebsiella etc

Aerobic culture of pus is an important test which helps to identify the disease causing bacteria if present. Antibiotic sensitivity testing may also be done to look for the sensitivity of detected bacteria to different antibiotics.

Why is culture aerobic pus test prescribed?

The common sites of sample for aerobic pus culture are sores or wounds on skin, ear, eyes, throat, nails, and urethra etc.

Procedure and prerequisites

The sample for this test is taken by a trained professional under strict aseptic precautions. Depending on the site of infection and amount of pus present, pus is collected with help of sterile swab, needle etc and placed in sterile container. There may be some amount of pain while taking sample for this test. Sometimes local anaesthesia may also be given to minimise the pain. Sample is inoculated in appropriate media and if there is growth of bacteria, it is identified.


No harmful bacteria detected is reported - No Growth.

Positive culture- reported with identification of bacteria and antibiotic susceptibility testing as applicable.

  • This test is done to find the causative organism of infection.
  • This test is also used to find out the antibiotics to which the detected pathogen is susceptible to, for appropriate treatment.

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