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3 mL (2 mL min.) Whole blood from 1 Lavender Top (EDTA) tube for each individual. Ship refrigerated. DO NOT FREEZE. Consent form for Paternity / Kinship testing / DNA Profiling (Form 34) with photograph and identification document for each individual is mandatory.Above specimen requirements are for a single individual, For additional inviduals register same test .


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DNA Profiling / Finger Printing Test Overview

DNA profiling is a laboratory diagnostic test that’s used to identify people using their DNA sequences. The DNA profile test is effective in various cases, including paternity tests and forensic science. The DNA profile of a person is unique, just like their fingerprint, which is why it is also known as DNA fingerprinting. The test results can be useful in criminal investigations and are often used by law enforcement to prove whether someone is guilty or innocent. DNA profiling and DNA fingerprinting are not pseudoscience, and it is a legitimate medical process to identify if two samples come from the same person or not.

Why Is A DNA Profiling / Finger Printing Test Prescribed?

A DNA profile test is generally not prescribed by doctors based on any symptoms presented by patients. These tests are either prescribed at the patient’s request, where there are questions surrounding the paternity of children, or they’re ordered by law enforcement. In the case of law enforcement, DNA profiling is used to match the DNA of suspects of any crime to DNA evidence that’s left at the crime scene. It is an effective tool in narrowing down the list of suspects, and DNA profiling and DNA fingerprinting are accepted as valid evidence in a court of law.

Components of DNA Profiling / Finger Printing Test

The results of a DNA fingerprinting test are expressed in not-so-definite terms. The DNA profiling test results are generally expressed as ratios. For paternity tests, the probability of the DNA being similar to the child is expressed in a ratio. The results are also compared to those of a random person, which helps definitively prove whether the person being tested is the father or not. For criminal investigations, DNA profiling or DNA fingerprinting test results are expressed in probabilities as well. The DNA profile at the crime scene is matched with the one of a suspect and anothe random person. This helps show if the DNA evidence at the crime scene is similar to that of the suspect or not, and if it is similar, how similar it is.

Procedure and Prerequisites

The DNA profiling and DNA fingerprinting test is performed as a blood test to ensure the best results. The procedure involves drawing blood from the veins of the person and the sample being sent to laboratories for testing. There are no specific prerequisites for this test, however, a consent form for Paternity / Kinship testing / DNA Profiling needs to be submitted with a photograph and identification document for each individual.

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