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NMO Antibody Test - Aquaporin 4 Antibody Test - MOG Antibody Test




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NMO Antibody test/Aquaporin 4 Antibody test/MOG Antibody Test

NMO (neuromyelitis optica) Antibody test/Aquaporin 4 Antibody test/MOG ( myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein)Antibody test is a test used in diagnosis of rare nerve disease called Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Diseases (NMOSD). NMOSD are a group of diseases which are chronic, relapsing, and inflammatory having immune mediated aetiology (immune system is activated against own cells in optic nerve and spinal cord).The detection of autoantibodies against AQP-4 is specific for NMO .and also for recurrent opticus neuritides and longitudinal extensive transverse myelitis as abortive or incomplete forms of NMO.Thus, the disease involves mostly spinal cord and optic nerve (eye nerve). The determination of autoantibodies against MOG is a particular significance in the diagnosis of acquired demyelinating diseases of the CNS especially in children ,as well as in adults with neuromyelitis optica(NMO) and NMOSD.It is a type of demyelinating disease where antibodies cause destruction of myelin (protective sheath surrounding the nerves). The most common people affected are middle and old age women. This disease is also called Devic’s disease.

NMOSD is characterised by presence of recurrent attacks (relapses) of optic neuritis (inflammation of optic nerve) and myelitis (inflammation of spinal cord) separated by periods of remission. There may be long gap of weeks, months or years between different attacks.

The symptoms associated with this disease are as follows:

  • Eye pain
  • Blindness (one or both eyes)/blurring of vision
  • Paralysis/weakness in legs /arms
  • Loss of sensation
  • Painful spasms/stiffness-neck, back, legs, arms
  • Uncontrollable vomiting/nausea
  • Uncontrollable hiccups
  • Bladder and bowel disorders
  • Sleep difficulty
  • Fits/confusion/coma (in children)

NMOSD are a type of autoimmune disease where antibodies are formed against body’s own proteins such as Aquaporin-4 and myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) present in cells of nervous system.

The diagnosis of NMOSD is made by the clinician with the help of detailed clinical history, clinical examination and different laboratory tests such as blood tests, CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) analysis, MRI/CT scans and antibody tests such as MOG test and antiAquaporin- 4 antibody test.

Why is NMO MOG antibodies test prescribed?

The healthcare provider may prescribe this test to diagnose NMOSD and to differentiate it from other diseases like: multiple sclerosis, longitudinal extensive spinal cord lesions, autoimmune encephalitis etc.

This test also helps to monitor the prognosis and chances of relapse of NMOSD. It may also help in monitoring course of disease and response to treatment.

What are the components of this test?

This test includes measurement of IgG antibody titre of the following antibodies in Blood or CSF of suspected patient with NMOSD by using Indirect Immunofluorescence technology:

  • NMO antibody-neuromyelitis optica antibody .it is also called Aquaporin 4 antibody test.
  • MOG (myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein) antibody test

Procedure and prerequisites

The sample for this test is Blood or CSF. Blood is collected by inserting a small needle into vein of the arm. A small amount of blood is then collected in a vacutainer. There may be a little pain due to needle prick.

CSF will be collected by the treating physician by lumbar puncture.


The result can be positive or negative for a particular antibody.

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