Uric acid test
It is a simple test done in a blood sample to detect levels of uric acid. Uric acid is a chemical which is formed in our body and is excreted as a waste product in urine by passing through the kidneys. It is formed by breaking down of certain chemicals called purines. Purines are found in rich amount in certain foods like liver, alcohol, seafood, red meat. When excess of these foods are taken there is excess formation of uric acid in body leading to hyperuricemia.
Hyperuricemia can cause multiple problems in our body like-
- Gout-formation of uric acid crystals which get deposited in joints and cause painful inflammation.
- Recurrent kidney stones and sometimes kidney failure
- Hyperuricemia can also occur when kidney doesn’t work properly in removing uric acid in urine, in conditions such as diabetes, being overweight, on certain medications like diuretics, and excessive alcohol intake.
- This condition can also occur in a person undergoing cancer chemotherapy or radiotherapy.
- High uric acid levels can also occur in complicated pregnancy called as preeclampsia in which there is increase in blood pressure at time of pregnancy
Why is uric acid test prescribed as a component of KFT?
Your healthcare provider may ask you to undergo this test in conditions such as;
- Gout-form of arthritis presenting with symptoms of pain in joints especially of great toe and ankle
- Patients undergoing cancer chemotherapy or radiotherapy
- Patients having multiple episodes of kidney stones
- Pregnant women with preeclampsia to see for severity.
Procedure and prerequisites
The sample for serum uric acid test is taken from blood by inserting a small needle into vein of your arm. A small amount of blood is then collected in a test tube or vial.
Reference range
Normal reference value
Adults |
milligram per decilitre (mg/dl) |
Male |
3.7 - 9.2 mg/dl |
Female |
3.1 - 7.8 mg/dl |
High Levels (Hyperuricemia):
- Gout
- Kidney Stones
- Chemotherapy
- Food items like dried beans, fish like anchovies, mackerel
- Some herbal medications
Decreased in:
- Drugs like high doses of Salicylates, probenecid, cortisone, allopurinol
- Wilson Disease
- Fanconi Syndrome
- Decreased in approximately 5% of hospitalised patients; most common cause are postoperative state (GI surgery, coronary artery bypass)
- Limitations: A purine rich diet (Liver, Kidney, Sweetbread) as well as sever exercise, increases uric acid values